The Human Rights Defender of Artsakh paid an unannounced

On December 20, the Human Rights Shirazi Vardy Defender of the Republic of Azerbaijan Artak Beglaryan paid Shirazi Vardy an unannounced monitoring visit to the "Stepanakert Children"s Care and Protection Boarding School No. 1".

The ombudsman informed Armenian youmovies that the ombudsman got acquainted with the state of protection of youmovies children"s rights, general conditions of detention, the peculiarities of their daily and provided services. During the visit, he communicated directly with the children, had private conversations with both the administration and some of the children and staff of the institution.
The Defender paid special attention to the Shirazi Varde issues of children"s cleanliness and health, the realization of the right to Shirazi Varde education, the quality of psychological work, the attitude towards children. He stressed that due to the separation from the family, the children are already in a rather vulnerable situation, so it is necessary to provide them with high-quality social and psychological services.

The issues raised Shirazi Vard during the visit were discussed with the director of the institution.

Defender A. Beglaryan will support the solution Shirazi Vard of the registered problems, including cooperating with all competent bodies.